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Learning More About Smoking

Relaxing has always been a challenge for me, which is why I started focusing more seriously on taking time out for myself. I realized that people gathered outside everyday to enjoy a little smoking, so I decided to try it for myself. It was really fascinating to try smoking, and before I knew it I was enjoying it more and more. These days, I have learned how to soak up every last puff of my smoking time, and it has really made it easier to relax. This blog is here to help people to learn more about smoking and taking a time out.


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Learning More About Smoking

Top Advantages To Choosing Glass Hookahs

by Anita Jackson

Hookah is a preferred smoke because of the clean, smooth flavor that lasts for hours. However, if you are looking to buy your own products, you will need to decide if you want a glass or traditional hookah. While there are advantages to each type, glass is often preferred over conventional ceramic.

Easier to Clean

Traditional hookahs are comprised of many parts that all need cleaned and sanitized after every use. Glass, on the other hand, is a simple design. All of the seals are entirely comprised of glass, so all of the rubber grommets are eliminated. The glass base holds the adapters and stems, and then the seal is formed by fusing the two glass pieces together until cooled. Therefore, you are able to put all the parts in hot, soapy water and a rinse to be ready to go again. Make sure you use a gentle detergent and rinse thoroughly to ensure all of the residues are removed before your next smoke.

Pure Taste

Glass hookahs will also provide users with a more robust, cleaner taste. Unfortunately, traditional pipes use a metal stem that can leave a metallic aftertaste, and the rubber grommets will retain flavor from the last smoke. After cleansing the glass, you will start with a new device for a unique flavor. Finally, it is common for parts to rust or oxidizes on traditional pipes, affecting the overall taste. You will not experience this problem with all glass products.

Variety of Styles

Glass is a material that can be customized with heat. While they are more fragile, they offer a visual show while you are smoking. The clear base allows you to witness the smoke forming, and it can be mesmerizing. Smoking hookah is a time to unwind and relax, so consider adding color or lights for a truly relaxing atmosphere. Every pipe can be fully customized, and you can change it between smokes. Adding fruit is another way to add color and taste without worrying about the clean-up after.

While the decision is up to you, and both materials will provide you a luscious smoke, glass is generally a winner for all experience levels. It is definitely the best option for beginners, and with handmade glass hookahs, you can create any design that suits your dreams. However, it will be essential to store the pipe in a safe place because glass breaks a lot easier than traditional ceramic.

Reach out to a local supplier, such as Lavoo Glass Hookah, to learn more.
